Sewerage structures

Even though they endure substantial mechanical stress and chemical exposure, the structures and ducting employed for the collection and disposal of wastewater, effluent, and sewage need to demonstrate exceptionally long lifespans. Maintenance and repair efforts must consider the considerable physical and chemical wear experienced by both the original network components and the repair materials. EGCORE provides a range of specialized solutions through its acrylic gel and polyurethane series of injection systems, specifically designed to meet the unique demands encountered in underground infrastructure.

Injections can be used in the following:

  • Waterproofing of structures against infiltration and exfiltration.
  • Elimination of manufacturing defects such as cracks, voids and cavities in the concrete and masonry.
  • Embedding of injection hoses in critical construction joints.
  • Reinforcement of the construction.

Injections Systems

Our Injection department is lead by experts who have over 30 years of international.